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Senior Sevens

The Primary Sevens at Riverside sign up to be Senior Sevens. This means they are part of a different responsibility group.  The pupils fill out an application form for the job that they wanted. When they join their group the pupils write a job description and create an action plan.

AP Gang

We are looking forward to: 

  • Incorporating the AP in to our learning and teach them new things.

  • Helping and working with the AP children.

  • To include them in school activities.

  • To help them with their learning and keep them focused.

Who are we?

We are the AP Gang. We support all of the AP children in school. We make sure everyone gets treated the same. We spend time visiting the provision and working with the children on tasks in class encouraging them to be the best they can. We play games the children want to play and always listen to their opinion.


Our Mission Statement:

To make sure we are setting an example for the AP children. To make them happy and enjoy coming and learning in school and to raise and promote autism awareness in the school.

House Captains and Vice Captains

We are looking forward to:

  •  Running house meetings

  • Leading our house to victory

  • Inspiring younger children to be future house and vice captains.


Who are we?

We are the house and vice captains of our houses. We are in charge of our house meetings and organizing them. We work together to make house meetings as fun as possible every fortnight.


Our Mission Statement:

To make sure we are good role models to the children in our house and to inspire them to become future house and vice captains and to build up their confidence to try to win the house cup!

Creativity Matters

We are looking forward to: 

  • Performing at assemblies teaching the new pupils the dance moves to the Fischy songs and to the ‘Riverside Song’

  • Encouraging all pupils to feel confident to express themselves to an audience

  • Learning new actions to songs to perform at assemblies.


Who are we?

Creativity Matters help everyone bring out their creative side. We teach the school dance moves and we will also help with the drama and creative projects around the school.


Our Mission Statement: 

We aim to improve our own acting, dancing and singing skills while helping other children to develop theirs. We want to perform the songs at the front of assembly enthusiastically and encourage other children to be more confident. Our final aim is to try and encourage people to choose Creativity Matters as their role in P7.

Junior Janitors

We are looking forward to: 

  • Working as a team to keep the school looking welcoming, bright and attractive.

  • Use our skills to mend things and look after the playground so it is tidy.

  • Helping others as much as we can


Who are we?

We are junior janitors that support the school janitor with his duties to look after and tidy the school. We also help paint, fix and build things that are needed throughout the school.


Our Mission Statement:

We aim to help, tidy all of the school grounds and make sure that everyone is proud of the school and its grounds.

Pupil Newsletter

We are looking forward to: 

  • Keeping the school up to date and informed by writing a newsletter for the rest of the school to read.

  • Learning new skills by writing a newsletter as a team.

Getting feedback from our peers about our newsletter.


Who are we?

We are the Pupil Newsletter Group and we will be producing a newsletter for others to read every month. Our newsletter will contain the news that is going on in the school.


Our Mission Statement:

To be able to write a successful new letter every month for every child/staff member to enjoy and learn more about the school.

Reading Reps

We are looking forward to: 

  • Organising events for reading.

  • Promote reading across the school.

  • To encourage reading throughout the community.

  • Help younger children to succeed in their reading journey.


Who are we?

We are the Reading Reps and we want to promote reading across the school and community of Stirling. We want to encourage younger pupils to speak up in the meetings and help children who struggle in reading and reflective reading.


Our Mission Statement:

To encourage a passion for reading across the school throughout the school year and to help children in their reflective reading and Read Write Inc.

Studio Supporters

We are looking forward to: 

  • Supporting children who access the studio throughout the day

  • Helping them overcome their problems so that they enjoy playing outside

  • Planning exciting games and activities for them to play


    Who are we?

    We are studio supporters and we help the children in the studio with playing and help the teachers to plan fun activities for all children to access.


    Our Mission Statement:

    Our goal is to entertain the children in the studio and make sure that they are safe, happy and having fun.

Tech Team/Coding Kiddos

We are looking forward to: 

  • Updating the school photostory

  • Helping out with the assemblies and to make them more interesting by using our excellent ICT skills and knowledge.

  • Teaching younger pupils to be able to complete basic coding tasks.

  • Using visual timetables on the big screen to allow all children to understand the order of assemblies.


    Who are we?

    We are the Tech Team/Coding Kiddos. We help behind the scenes at assemblies and teach children to code. Alongside this we also update the school photostory which is shown in the foyer and help with the maintenance of the school website.


    Our Mission Statement:

    To make sure that the assemblies stay progressive, to make sure that everyone is familiar with technology, to make sure the photostory is always updated and help everyone in the school to learn to code.

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