Emergency Closure Procedures
Notification of planned early closures will be sent in advance to parents/carers via the children. However, sometimes it is necessary to close the school early because of weather conditions, which affect travel, particularly for children travelling by bus in snow. Information in such instances may be given out on radio. Parents are requested to make contingency arrangements for their children to be received and looked after in case they have to be sent home early. It is important that parents ensure their children are aware of these contingency arrangements.
In the case of an emergency whole day school closure, for example due to inclement weather, information will be available on Stirling Council’s website and Central FM (103.1). We will also try to keep you updated via the school website and APP Central.
While schools have contingency planning in place to cope with a number of circumstances, sometimes it is necessary to close schools or amend the normal school day. e.g., storm damage, power cut.
In the event of this happening, we have to ensure school records of parent’s place of employment and childcare arrangements are up to date. Please make sure we have an emergency contact telephone number and address. We will issue an annual update form to check the accuracy of contact details and other information held by the school.
Please make sure your child knows who to go to if you are not at home.