Nursery Hub Transition
Welcome to our Nursery Transition Hub. You will find lots of useful information to help get you and your child ready for Riverside Nursery. Usually we would share this information with you at our Nursery Parent Induction Evening. As we are unable to do so this year, please do take the time to read through the information. We are looking forward to welcoming all our new children and families to Riverside and hope that this page will help you and your child familiarise yourselves with our Nursery Team.

Principle ECE
Gillian Smith

Senior ECE
Sheree Mcauslan

Senior ECE
Lisa Godward

Senior ECE
Kirstin Campbell

Graham Hawthorn
Caitlin Milligan

Charlene Lenaghan

Support Worker Early Childhood Educator
Becca Kennedy

Support Worker Early Childhood Educator
Grace Kennedy

ECE (Part Time)
Natasha Spowart

Support for Leaning Assistant
Noelia Colonna
Kerry Morrison
Welcome to the Nursery Team
Although it is not compulsory for nursery children to wear uniform, we do have a Nursery sweatshirt. The sweatshirt is red with a balloon motif. We hold a small stock in school, or alternatively, please visit our Uniform page for details.
By clicking the link above you will be taken to the published holiday dates on Stirling Council's website.
(We are a model 2 nursery)

Mrs Campbell’s Reading Corner
My Granny is a Pirate
The Paper Dolls
The Tiger Who Came to Tea
A Squash and a Squeze
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt