Digital Learning
Stirling's Platform for Education and Community is a platform containing digital learning, guidance and links to many useful websites. There are hub areas for nursery, primary, secondary and youth. Each hub has separate areas for learners, parents and staff. There are also specialist hubs for Digital Learning and ASN.
Please do take some time to visit the Platform and see the information available.

Digital Schools Award
We recently took part in the Digital Schools Award programme and are delighted to have successfully completed the programme. We are now nationally recognised as a Digital School, accredited by Education Scotland. The 3 step programme has been developed to help schools assess progress and recognise excellence in the use of digital technology at primary level while providing practical support and encouragement. Please click the link to see a copy of our DSA Validation Report.
Imagination Station
This year we are launching our “Imagination Station”, a creative space where we gather to tinker, create, invent, and learn. In the book Creative Confidence by Tom and David Kelley, the authors state that creative confidence is a way of “experiencing the world that generates new approaches and solutions.” The Imagination Station mindset is a growth mindset, one that encourages our children to believe they can learn to do anything. True “hands on learning” through building things, working collaboratively and further developing deeper problem solving skills. Our Digital Leaders run weekly Digital Learning lunchtime clubs on Coding, Video Editing, Stop Motion and Digital Music, improving access to digital technology for all learners.