Information for P7 to WHS
At the end of P7 Riverside pupils that live within the Wallace High School catchment will usually transfer to Wallace High School. This page is designed to provide you with information regarding transition from P7.
General Information
It is very important that parents decide as early as possible which High School they wish their child to attend so that they won't miss out on the transition process.
Please ensure you return the form indicating your choice of secondary school. These are issued by Stirling Council in November to Stirling Council residents only and will show your catchment school based on your home address. If you live outwith of Stirling Council please contact your own local authority.
Primary schools are responsible for transition only to their feeder secondary school (WHS). It is important that you contact your chosen school to find out the transition arrangements. For example St Modan's has a two year transition programme.
Share your decision with your child. Often children are asked which High School they are going to in class and may feel awkward if they don’t know.
There are different levels of transition packages available which are flexible and tailored to the needs of each child. All children with ASN receive an enhanced and individualised transition programme.
Placing requests
If you do not live within the Wallace High School catchment area and wish your child to attend Wallace High School you will need to fill in a placing request, which you can obtain by contacting Stirling Council Children’s Services.
If your child is a baptised Roman Catholic and you can provide a baptism certificate and you wish your child to attend St Modan's you should contact St Modan's directly to arrange enrolment. If your child is not baptised you will be required to submit a placing request.
Other High Schools
If you wish your child to attend another high school:-
* You will be required to submit a placing request to Stirling Council
* Contact the high school to find out their transition programme
* Inform Riverside where you are sending your child
* Share this information with your child
Contact with Riverside after your child leaves
* Staff attend the Awards Ceremonies at WHS every year and are always immensely proud of the achievements of former pupils
* Your child may be asked to be part of the roadshow going back to Riverside to tell new P7s about their time at Wallace High
* Those children on staged intervention may have a member of staff from Riverside at their review meeting in October